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Shrub Farm - Blueberry & Lemon

Shrub Farm - Blueberry & Lemon

Blueberry and Lemon Shrub is the Jack Johnson of the Shrub world -- passionate about environmental health, makes great pancakes, and pretty darn chill. It has a beautiful, mild flavor and is as blue as the seas and skies of summertime Washington. Antioxidant-rich blueberries - grown in Skagit Valley by our friends at Northwest Wild Foods - pair with zesty lemon to brighten up easy-breezy vodka tonics, fluffy pancakes, and bubbly blue mocktails. Best enjoyed after mountain biking or sea kayaking! 

Ingredients: organic raw apple cider vinegar (6% acidity), organic cane sugar, organic blueberries, organic honey, organic lemons.

Dilute 10 times. Makes 32 8oz drinks.
